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HypnoBirthing® – What Exactly Is It Mamas?!

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Okay, so what is it?

HypnoBirthing®, The Mongan Method is a tried and proven method that guides and prepares women to enjoy a satisfying, relaxing, and stress-free birthing experience. It teaches expecting couples, the art and joy of experiencing birth in a positive manner helping them to remain calm and relaxed whatever path their birthing takes.

How does it help?

It teaches women to relax their minds and connect with their innate birthing instincts.

It helps them let go of any fears or limiting thoughts that might hinder their body’s natural ability to give birth, to enjoy their pregnancy and increases their chances of having a more positive birth experience. Most couples take HB because they want a more calm and natural birth with low or no medical interventions or drugs. Statistically, women who use HypnoBirthing® tend to have shorter and more comfortable labours and births. They have less need for inductions and interventions, including episiotomy, medication or surgical birth. They use fewer drugs or no drugs at all, which means less risk of side effects on mother and baby. They are usually more awake and energized after the birth and they have a more satisfying experience with faster recovery rates.

For more research,

HypnoBirthing® - What Exactly Is It Mamas?!

How do husbands benefit?

Dads are always a bit skeptical at first, but all of them finish the classes feeling more knowledgeable and confident about their role during pregnancy and birth- from keeping mum relaxed to interacting confidently with hospital staff. They also benefit from enhanced bonding with their baby, which starts during pregnancy​​ and continues through birth and beyond.

How do babies benefit?

Whilst mum is relaxing and feeling positive during her pregnancy, her baby is feeling that too. Then because their births tend to be shorter, calmer and with less trauma, they have high levels of alertness at birth and sleep and nurse well due to fewer drugs in their systems. Having a confident and relaxed mother who is readily available mentally to connect with them at birth enhances mother-baby bonding and attachment. HypnoBirthing babies also have a reputation for being alert, easy going and content.

HypnoBirthing® - What Exactly Is It Mamas?!

Is it true that you can have a pain-free birth with HypnoBirthing®?​

HypnoBirthing® does not promise painless birthing, though many HypnoBirthing® mothers do report having a relatively pain-free birth, or one that they were able to manage more easily. When a laboring mother is free of fear, left undisturbed and supported emotionally her mind and body work together in harmony to birth her baby. A beautiful cocktail of hormones including Oxytocin (the love hormone)

And endorphins (our natural relaxants & pain killers) help her to enter a tranquil state where she can let go and allow her body to do what it’s perfectly designed to do. It’s our over thinking, worrying minds that can get in the way of this most amazing and completely normal physiological process. HypnoBirthing gives you the tools and confidence to relax and go with it rather than fight it.

How else can I prepare for a more positive birth experience?

  1. Do your homework. Couples who are well informed and take ownership of their births tend to feel more in control and are less likely to feel disappointed with their birth experience.
  1. Hire a doula (a trained birthing companion) to support you both. Having a doula has been statistically proven to improve birth outcomes and experiences.
  1. Choose your doctor and hospital very carefully. Talk to them in detail about your birth preferences as early as possible so you know that they will support you in your choices and that you feel you can trust them.

HypnoBirthing® - What Exactly Is It Mamas?!

What kind of techniques will I learn through attending HypnoBirthing® classes?

We focus on breathing, relaxation, affirmations, visualization and self-hypnosis. Parents come away from the classes with a toolbox of techniques that they can call upon during labour and birth. All of them are designed to enable the mother to enter a state of deep relaxation, to maximize the release of endorphins and oxytocin and to assist all the normal and natural functions of the body during birth. HypnoBirthing® is more than just a collection of techniques though, it’s as much a philosophy of birth as it is a method of birthing. During the classes we focus not just on the techniques but a couples beliefs and fears about birthing and parenting with the aim of replacing old limiting thoughts and beliefs with positive and empowering ones.

​​What if I don’t opt for a natural childbirth or if I need intervention or a surgical birth- will HypnoBirthing be helpful?​

Absolutely. The things you will learn in your HypnoBirthing® classes will help you to learn relaxation skills that will be useful to both you and your baby, regardless of your birth experience. In fact the benefits of HypnoBirthing® start way before the birth. Your baby feels everything that you do and so by being relaxed and calm throughout your pregnancy you are giving your baby a wonderful environment to grow in both physically and emotionally. If medical intervention of any sort is needed, you will find yourself better able to remain calm and in control. Mothers who have needed scheduled caesareans for medical reasons report that they were totally relaxed before, during and after the procedure. Many report that they needed little or no medication following the birth, and they were able to return to normal functioning in a very short period of time.

HypnoBirthing® - What Exactly Is It Mamas?!

How do the classes work?

The classes are fun, interactive with lots of practice and time for questions and discussion. They are designed with Dads in mind so that parents can prepare for the birth of their child together and feel confident and excited about this wonderful event in their lives. If Dads can’t make it to the classes or the birth– that’s ok too – Mums often can come with someone else or by themselves and the programme can be adapted accordingly.

There are normally five, 3-hour classes held over a 5-week period, totaling 15 hours of tuition and you can join a group or request private classes.

An ideal time to start is between 26 and 32 weeks of pregnancy to allow plenty of time to practice the techniques, but anytime between 20 and 35 is ok too.

In addition to taking the classes there is a certain level of commitment needed for home practice. You are conditioning your mind and body to respond with calm and relaxation and this involves repetition. Mums should practice the techniques daily (approx. 1 hour) and couples are encouraged to practice together 3 or 4 times a week for 30 mins each.

Mama and Papa Testimonials

“Fear of the unknown is a terrible thing, I regard myself as your typical married male who has just recently started a family. Not knowing what to expect at my child’s birth, I could think of nothing worse than becoming a fifth wheel in the birthing room and not being able to help my wife through her labour. When my wife wanted to attend Hypno Birthing classes, I was initially a bit skeptical but any knowledge is good knowledge, so I went along. I was so glad we attended the classes as they prepared us for what was to come by giving me the tools to be part of a team during the birth and allowed me to be a focus for my wife to rely on. Knowing what was to come through the different stages of labour, I used my birthing prompts as well as massage and pressure points to help Alaina through the birthing process. It felt good to be so involved in the birth of our son while the medical staff looked on as we practiced the techniques we had learned. After the birth, even our excellent doctor commented on the teamwork she saw. Overall, as a Dad I would highly recommend the HypnoBirthing® courses, its an education and prepares you for a great birthing experience.”
– Ewen

“HypnoBirthing® was all that we had hoped for in the outcome of Bia’s birth. Natural, with no pain killers at all, no tears or episiotomy, no drama or screaming and a happy baby in the end, awake, alert and on my tummy and chest for 3 hours! Markos was a very important part and he was definitely more prepared and in control. He even saw the whole thing without passing out!”
– Sara

“I can’t tell you how much confidence it gave me in my ability to birth her with no pain relief. It helped Adam understand what he could do to help during my labour and he really was great.”
– Suzanne

“HypnoBirthing® definitely helped me so very much to get through this and to be left with such a spiritual and positive experience! I feel so much stronger after having done this and this is how all births should be. I wish all women could have the privilege of experiencing the same thing.”
– Cecilia

Jasmine runs group classes (priced at AED 1900) regularly on Tuesday evenings and Friday mornings at Horizon Kids Nursery, Street 29, Al Safa 2. Private classes at your own home are available on request for AED 3000. Prices include a HypnoBirthing® starter pack, including textbook, CDs, home scripts and more. To book a class or find our more, message Jasmine at

Featured image sourced via Pinterest, image #1 sourced via Pinterest, image #2 sourced via Pinterest, image #3 sourced via Pinterest, image #4 sourced via Pinterest

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