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Why You Should Create A Vision Board With Your Kids

creating a vision board with your kids
Family LifePost Category - Family LifeFamily Life
Play & PartyPost Category - Play & PartyPlay & Party - Post Category - Arts & CraftsArts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts With Meaning – Here’s Why Creating A Vision Board With Your Kids Is AWESOME!

I’ve discovered a new arts & crafts session that’s actually fun AND meaningful (and doesn’t involve spending a fortune on supplies that’ll just get lost/spilled OR make me want to open a bottle of wine immediately after). I’m talking vision boards, or rather the creation of vision boards with my darling little people (and on my own too, it’s actually incredibly therapeutic). A vision board is essentially a way of visualizing what you want or would love to have more of in your life through cutting and sticking. If you think this is hippy nonsense then just bear with me, it’s good.

Firstly, visualization really works – honestly. Olympic athletes have been using it for yonks to improve performance and studies have shown that the brain patterns activated when, say, a weightlifter lifts heavy weights are similarly activated with the lifter has just imaged/visualized the lifting. It’s all about the power of positivity – not a bad lesson to teach our kids, right?

creating a vision board

So what about the arts and crafts part? Well mamas, all you’ll need is a big piece of paper or card each and lots of magazines or catalogues that you don’t mind the kids cutting up or ripping out of – plus some glue. Simple. I told the kids that they could cut and stick anything that they loved the look of and that they wanted in their lives. Of course, this was interpreted as material things and we soon had a pile of pictures of toys and stuff – and even a Ferrari (wishful thinking),  but actually this is also about feelings and pictures that evoke an emotion or that make you happy. Blue skies, green fields, animals, the ocean – they got so into it and loved explaining why they’d chosen each of the images, it was such a lovely bonding exercise.

And for me? Yes of course I had the odd picture of a beautiful travel destination, the house of my dreams, that pair of shoes but also of quotes that I found inspiring and images which symbolized the things I wanted to attract (a coffee for more ‘me time’, a surf board for more water-sports and others which represented spending time as a family).

The beauty of this exercise is that there are no rules. You just go with the flow and cut/stick away while setting your intentions – and you can teach your children about what’s important in life (beyond Ferraris and toys!) while helping them talk about the things that make them feel good, about what they love to do and what they want to be when they grow up while being arty and creative – perfecto!

You see? Easy, fun and stress-free. One of the best things we’ve done as a family. And now I’m waiting for those far-flung holidays and that home in the South of France to materialize…..(just kidding).

creating a vision board





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