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A Super Yummy Healthy Breakfast Recipe: Almond Milk Chia Pudding

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Koita Have Introduced An Organic Almond Milk To Their Family & This Chia Pudding Recipe Is Just One Awesome Way To Use It!

Nutritious, low in calories, dairy free and full of vitamins and nutrients – Koita’s new organic almond milk is a must-have in your fridge, mamas! Want to try a fun way to use it (and to get the kiddos eating their brekkie too)? – this recipe is just the thing.

Recipe: Almond Milk Chia Pudding
Gluten-Free & Lactose-Free
Serves 4


  • 1L Koita Almond Unsweetened drink
  • 170g chia seeds
  • 2 vanilla pods
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • Handful (80 g) blueberries & blackberries
  • Handful (30 g) walnuts

koita lactose free milk


  1. Make chia pudding: In a bowl, combine the Koita Organic Almond Milk with the chia seeds, vanilla seeds from the pods and the maple syrup . Mix well until the mixture begins to thicken.
  2. Store covered in the refrigerator for at least an hour but ideally overnight.
  3. Using half the mixture, pour a equal layer of chia pudding into the bottom of four glasses or jars, followed by a layer of half of the berries and finally a layer using half of the walnuts. Repeat layering one more time using the remainder of your ingredients.
  4. You’re good to go!

Hero Image sourced via Instagram handle of Mons Flavors.

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