No More Headaches
You know that lingering headache? The one that just won’t shift? Or the monthly migraine that just makes life seem impossible? Well mamas, turns out there’s a way to fix them – and lots of other neurological disorders – without reaching into the medicine cabinet and popping pills. We’re talking Botox (yes, honestly) – something we’ve always thought was only around to treat wrinkles (and there’s nothing wrong with that) but which actually also has a medical purpose – bonus – bye bye wrinkles and headaches too!
Here comes the science… As a neurotoxin, Botox blocks the signal between the nerve and muscle, thus causing a paralysis of the muscle. AND did you know that Botox was initially developed to treat neurological disorders rather than cosmetic conditions? 50% of the Botox currently being used is for neurological treatment.
Interested? You really should be – migraines are AWFUL and the 7th highest cause of disability worldwide – so if there’s a way to get rid of them then we say HOORAY!
German Neuroscience Centre, one of Dubai’s most renowned neurology, psychology, counselling and psychiatry clinics is cooperating with world-renowned Botox experts, including Professor Dirk Dressler, Dr. Willem van der Kamp and Professor Ringelstein, who have been involved in some of the most significant clinical trials for Botox since the 1980s. These guys know their stuff and their aim is to use Botox for what it was originally intended and really help people who suffer from neurological issues. AND with this in mind, the centre is offering free Botox consultations and treatment during March to raise awareness of its benefits. Sound good? Absolutely.
We’re hot-footing it down to their Dubai Healthcare City and JLT locations for an appointment – because motherhood can be difficult enough without headaches thrown in the mix.
To book: Contact German Neuroscience Center for a free consultation throughout the month of March, contact +971 04 4298 578 or email mail@gnc-dubai.com
Brought to you in partnership with German Neuroscience Centre