Looking for a craft project for the weekend? One that will potentially cover the entire house with paint and stain your foot with blue paint too (not ideal when you live in flip-flops in Dubai), but will make a very cute memento nevertheless? Of course you do – so why not capture a moment in time by creating family footprint artwork like we did below.
I don’t have any pictures of us making the artwork so you will have to take my word that it is our feet – attempting to stop a toddler running round the apartment with a red foot prevented me being able to do it at the time, whilst the husband refused his photo session (can’t think why).
I do have the below picture however of Wilfred’s purple foot in a high chair though, which is actually a great tip for babies as it stops them being able to eat paint and limits the mess. I used a sponge to apply the paint to his foot, before bringing the paper up and pressing his foot down firmly.
For everybody else, the set-up looks like the above – poster paint on a plate, a sponge to dab the paint evenly over soles of feet, a bowl of warm soapy water to step into straight after we’d made the prints, and a towel to dry feet afterwards.
Then simply cut each footprint out, with a small white border around each foot and arrange them onto a sheet of paper, using stick glue to secure it all. I used the same colour paint to write ‘Our Family 2014′ as the smallest footprint, which I think works well.
I think we’ll do this every few years to see how quickly the boys’ feet grow (I think every year may be overkill as we don’t have a gallery for hanging pictures).