What’s up with this handy green vegetable? The experts at Greenheart Organic demystify it.
When we first started growing organic Kale about 7 years ago we were struggling. It’s just not that easy and we made every mistake possible. As Kale is so nutritious we persevered and today at the Greenheart Farm it is one of our most successful crops. We grow 6 different amazing heirloom varieties. For the past 3 years we’ve been growing from our own seeds. Kale takes about 9 months to flower and needs very rich soil to do well and last so long. Seeds then appear in small pods and are picked by hand.
Read more: A Day on the Farm
Why do we grow it?
Kale is one of the most nutrient dense foods in existence. Next to being high in vitamins (one of the best sources of vitamin K) & minerals, Kale is an excellent source of anti-oxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids, primarily quercetin and kaempferol which have powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-depressant and anti-cancer effects to name just a few. However, not all Kale is equal and to reap the benefits it has to be genuine organic and freshly harvested, so steer clear of treated imports.
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How do you prepare it?
Kale is extremely versatile and you can either juice it, chop it up as salad, sauté it, turn it into Kale Chips, or add to soups and smoothies. The important thing is never to over-process it as nutrients are lost easily.
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