One mama tells us why she thinks Greenfield Community School is the best school in Dubai
Parents to Alyssa (13yrs), Owen (11yrs), Bayden (7yrs), share their insights on why Greenfield Community School is a great choice of school.
I think the teachers, the community feel and spirit that is here and the international baccalaureate curriculum. I like that the kids take the IB profile that they learn at the school and bring it into everyday life. So they say to me, “Come on mom be a risk taker, be open minded.” They take the values they learn in the school and apply it in the everyday.
How did you first hear about your school?
I found it while searching online.
What factors played into your decision to send your child to this school?
The location. Because I was moving to the Green Community and wanted something nearby.
Did you take a tour of the school before making your decision? What were your first impressions?
The secondary building didn’t exist yet so we toured the primary building at the time of our assessment. It was nine years ago! I mean I was really impressed, it felt like a community school, like one of the schools from back home so I was happy to send my daughter here. The teachers were really friendly and the walls were decorated with student artwork which I really liked.
How did your child adjust to the school? Did the school take any special measures to help with the settling in process?
She loved it. She adjusted really well. The school paired her up with another Australian girl in her class which helped, but she adjusted really well so we didn’t need much help.
What in your opinion are the three greatest strengths of the school?
I think the teachers, the community feel and spirit that is here and the international baccalaureate curriculum. I like that the kids take the IB profile that they learn at the school and bring it into everyday life. So they say to me, “Come on mom be a risk taker, be open minded.” They take the values they learn in the school and apply it in the everyday.
How does the school include parents in the community?
We have the Greenfield Community Parents (the parents association), a huge International Day, which gets us involved with the community, and also the unit of inquiry invites parents to be involved in the students’ learning. In grade 5 and grade 10 when they have their big presentations a lot of parents go to those. I go even if I don’t have kids in those grades.
How does the school keep you informed about your child’s progress?
School reports for our MYP and secondary kids but I have daily contact from the teacher with my PYP child if there is something I need to know.
What is the number one thing you’d miss if you transferred your child to another school?
I think my own personal involvement in the school and my relationships with the teachers and staff. I am an active member of the GCP and I would miss that involvement.
What kind of child (or family) would you say would be the best fit for this school?
We are an IB school and an international school so I think anyone would benefit from coming here. We certainly don’t exclude anyone. We accept all different kinds of students which I think helps my kids. They learn acceptance and tolerance being around kids of different backgrounds and abilities.
What extra-curricular activities or out of school programmes does the school offer that you have taken part in?
Desert Dance, Ski Dubai Extra Curricular Activity, swimming, football, musical productions, and choir performances.