All in the comfort of your home
We know that pregnancy and life with a newborn can be tricky (but AWESOME), mama – especially if you’re new to motherhood or even to our desert city. Well just breathe, relax, and hear us out – because if you’re looking for some reassurance and support plus maternity services by a 100% professionally licensed and qualified team, we know just the people to call. Babies and Beyond provides postnatal home care designed to ensure that families receive everything they need to make their transition into parenthood as smooth as possible. They say it takes a village, mamas, and the Babies and Beyond team are the modern version.
With a team of qualified European midwives, public health visitors and lactation consultants, the clinical ethos and guidelines at Babies and Beyond are based on international best practices. Catering to a multinational community like Dubai, the team speak English, French, Farsi, Swedish and Arabic (no more Google Translate). Perfect because we not only need midwives who can communicate with our little babes but also with us, right?!
Interested? You should be – because their qualified Midwives and Health Visitors will help you in areas such settling, sleeping, feeding and will teach you practical ways to care for your newborn (oh yes mama – motherhood requires education). The best bit? They also provide a full clinical assessment, emotional support and reassurance for mothers and babies. For the little ones, baby assessment includes: baby weighing and general health check, settling techniques, newborn sleep patterns and assessment of neonatal conditions and infections and more. For new mamas, Babies and Beyond are here for you with their comprehensive clinical services, which include clinical assessment (i.e. BP, Blood loss, stitches etc.), post caesarean care and advice, breastfeeding support and advice on family relationships.
Whether you need a little confidence boost (we know exactly what bringing a fresh little bundle home can feel like), have gazillion questions to ask, can’t get your latch right, want to catch up on some zzz’s or even just need a shoulder to cry on – the professionals at Babies and Beyond do it all (and then some), mama, so that you can focus on you and your precious bubba without any stress. Want to know more? Feel free to speak with Lead Midwife Hazel Leonard to discuss your needs and schedule a visit – you’ll be so glad you did.
Babies and Beyond, www.babiesandbeyond.ae, +971 (0)4 430 8900, info@babiesandbeyond.ae
Brought to you in partnership with Babies and Beyond