As summer approaches it can mean only one thing, the mass exodus of mamas and children as temperatures soar and outside play becomes impossible. Planes are full of mamas trying to entertain their children, and let’s face it an iPad can only get you so far, so to help you mamas pass the hours on the flight I share seven of the best travel toys around, all small enough to fit in your hand luggage.
Why seven? When I fly it’s to head back to the UK which is seven hours away. It is recommended a new toy or activity for every hour of the flight to help you hold onto your sanity!
Want to make it extra exciting for little ones? Grab some bright wrapping paper and wrap each toy or activity up for instant excitement and extending the shelf life of the toy by precious moments. Not a new toy? It doesn’t matter by wrapping an old toy up you can bring back some of the excitement.
Stickers and sticker books
All mamas know that children love stickers, no matter what age this is an activity that can be adapted to suit.
Young toddlers will love just randomly sticking over and over so make sure you pack plenty of stickers’ mamas! As children get older, turn it into imaginative play, buy stickers in a theme and ask them to draw their own background to stick on.
Hours of fun and a breather for mama on the plane.
Car travel mats
These are my top buy for any mama with a car obsessed child. Cars get lost in your bag constantly and when you manage to find the cars (that have bashed up half of your belongings, including your new sunglasses) they delight in running them up the back of the plane seat much to the annoyance of other passengers.
This is where these fantastic storage and play solutions from Bright and Beautiful ME come in. Each roll up, handmade from quality cotton, has 6 pockets for those precious toy cars and when opened a beautiful felt roadway to drive those cars up and down. Much to the relief of those passengers around you.
You can’t go wrong with an old classic. Small enough to fit in all hand luggage bags you can tailor to suit your little ones age. From the more intricate building blocks that can bring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to life to the heavy handed toddler safe Duplo for the younger traveller among us.
Play Doh
Another old school classic toy, one that most mamas would shy away from on a plane. You needn’t worry, this has been proven to be more popular than an iPad and as long as you buy the small tubs even the clean freaks among us shouldn’t panic too much at toddler enthusiasm. Let’s face it mamas – passengers and crew would rather have a quiet occupied play doh eating child than a screaming tantrumming one.
Colouring books and crayons
Yet again, another old school activity. If you are worried about your little darlings drawing all over the plane the Crayola have come up with the solution, Crayola Colour Wonder will only colour on the special paper. Added bonus here mamas is that little ones then think the pens are magical.
With the excitement of the plane trip it’s always a good idea to have some of your childs favourite books to try and induce some quiet time. A tired, hyped up child is no one’s idea of fun. If you don’t think your child will sit still long enough to let you take the books out, then it’s an even better idea to wrap these as a new present.
Finger Puppets
Finger puppets, not only are brightly coloured pieces of fun to capture attention of the baby, you can get everyone involved in making up stories, role playing on the flight. Mamas if you’re really lucky you can get the toddler entertaining the baby and you can kick back and relax (here’s hoping!).
There you have it mamas, seven of the top toys to pack in your trunki to help keep your little ones entertained as you escape the heat in Dubai.
Safe travels.
Featured imaged sourced by via Pinterest