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The Sassiest Mama 2014 DXB: Natasha Jethwani

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Jewellery and desserts – is there a better combination mamas?! Well Natasha manages to juggle them both – as Creative Director at Vik Jethwani Fine Jewellery and Partner at Chikalicious Dessert Bar – while also being a very hands-on mama to 5 year old Mia and almost 3 year old Ari. Her secret? a lot of hard work and the occasional melt-down (and chika chika bun bun!). 


Name: Natasha Jethwani
Occupation: Mom, Creative Director at Vik Jethwani Fine Jewellery & Partner at Chikalicious Dessert Bar
Children: Mia – 5 yrs. Ari – almost 3 yrs
Nationality: Singaporean/Indian
How long have you lived in Dubai? 28 years

1) Tell us about your business/businesses and why you started them.
My husband and I started our jewellery label a few years ago to combine his knowledge of jewellery and my love of fashion and design. Vik Jethwani Fine Jewellery is a contemporary fine jewellery label which we design and manufacture ourselves. Everything is done in house. Chikalicious Dessert Club is a new project which we’ve started with some friends. It’s a franchise from NYC and home of the infamous Dough’ssant.

2) What do you feel have been your biggest achievements both in your personal life and career so far?
My biggest achievement in my personal life is definitely my children. Even though i work and collaborate on so many different projects, they always come first and they have grown into awesome little people, if i may say so myself!

Every time my husband and I see someone wearing our jewellery, or one of us meets each other’s clients randomly and they say ‘I know the label and I love your stuff!” that has to be the most rewarding feeling. That’s been happening a lot lately, so I guess all the hard work is beginning to pay off!

3) As a child, what did you dream of being when you grew up?
As a child I wanted to be either a journalist who travelled the world or a designer. I always thought it would be clothes but I’m so happy it ended up being jewellery because i love what i do!

4) If you had three wishes, what would they be?
Aside from the usual, healthy, happy, blessed family I’d say:

I would love to take a year off from life and travel the world with my family.

I would want Olivia Palermo’s wardrobe.

To always have real, happy and positive people and energy in my life!

5) What does being a Sassy Mama mean to you?
Being a Sassy Mama is all about being able to juggle the numerous responsibilities of being a Mama these days. We strive for perfection in every aspect of our lives, whether it be personal or professional and we are savvy women. Gone are the days when women stayed at home and only cooked and looked after the kids. A Sassy Mama knows she can take care of her home, her man, her kids and run a business successfully all at the same time. There are enough hours in a day!

6) What’s a typical day in your life like? 141023-SMDXB-TheSassiestMamasLaunch_v1-2-quote_Natasha
I wake up in the morning with the kids, do the school runs, go to meetings in the mornings, pick my son up from school at noon. I sometimes squeeze in another meeting before picking my daughter up at 3pm, or run house errands and then take the kids to after school activities or playdates. My afternoons are spent with my kids. My husband comes home around 6:30pm and we have dinner together after the kids go to bed. After that some TV, emails, or we go out and then I fall into bed, ready to start again the next day.

7) What’s your guilty pleasure?
Chika Chika Bun Buns from Chikalicious Dessert Bar and TV shows!

8) What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given in your personal life and career?
Always give back and do the right thing.

9) What do you most enjoy doing as a family in Dubai?
We love to go for breakfast/brunch on the weekends. We try to check out a new place every Friday or Saturday. That’s our favorite meal of the week and our family time.

10) What is the ‘best-kept’ secret in Dubai, something fellow mamas should know about?
We love Bookworm near Park n Shop. It’s an old family favourite and as the kids and I love to read books together, we can spend ages in there looking around even though it’s tiny!

11) Which three words best describe your personality?
Trustworthy, hardworking and stubborn.

12) What advice would you have for a new mama?
Do your best. There’s no such thing as “the right way” or “the wrong way” so do what your gut tells you and chances are your kids will turn out great! Its ok to have a meltdown every once in a while, its normal. You’ll feel much better after you do.

13) What advice would you give to a mama who wants to go back to work or start her own business but is worried about juggling family and career?
You’ll know when the time is right to go back to work. It’s different for everyone but if you do want that, then be prepared to work very hard. It does pay off though and the results can be very rewarding.

14) If you were on an island and could bring only three things (family not included) what would they be?
Wifi, my iPad (with Skype and TV shows) and a good bottle of rose. I know, I’m a city girl. What can i say?

15) Top three books?
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron, Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay and for kids, anything by Julia Donaldson.

16) Describe your style.
Casual chic with great accessories and flats by day, and a more fashion savvy approach to night time – I have a penchant for structured, tailored pieces and heels.

17) Tell us something funny that your kids have said or done.
I don’t know where to begin. My children and I have new stories to tell about each other every day!

images of our Sassiest Mamas 2014 are courtesy of Jo Cole 

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