Remember that saying ‘mum knows best’? When we were younger it didn’t always feel like it – and giving unsolicited advice to a teenager? We said we’d never do it but bet we will. Regardless of what we used to think, our mamas are the people we turn to when we need advice or help with anything from parenting to life in general. And the good thing? they have only our very best interests at heart so whatever they say is coming from a place of love (even if it might be irritating sometimes – we’ll be exactly the same when our kids are all grown up).
A few of our Sassy Mama contributors share some of the best advice that their mamas have doled out with us here…
Mmmm, the best advice… well, there’s lots! One that sticks:
Always focus on what you DO want (not on what you do NOT want).
Works like a charm. And, it is always better to try something than to regret the things you did not do.
Rather than advice, I think the most important thing I have taken away from my own Mum is that of commitment. Whether to her family, her husband or the thousands of Primary children she has welcomed through her doors as a head teacher, my Mum showed me the importance of doing your best and giving everything your all. It is something that I have aimed to emulate in everything I do throughout life, and if I can make my little family half as happy as hers, then I will know I have done a good job!
The best advice my mum Sheila has given me is to hold the baby as long as he wants and to not feel guilty about it or be pressured into putting him down to self soothe even if the experts say that’s what I should be doing. Xander is a very cuddly baby so while I longed for him to sleep independently I just decided to ride it out as he’s only tiny for a little while and it made him so happy. Everyone always comments on what a happy, contented baby he is, so I’m glad she gave me the confidence to trust my instincts.
This must be said with a strong Irish accent!
“If he really wants you he’ll come after you.”
When my Mum passed five years ago, we found some love letters between herself and my Dad which affirmed this wisdom!
Happy mum = happy baby!
Don’t stress out or beat yourself up about breastfeeding. I had a colicy newborn and was laden with guilt constantly no matter what I did, it’ll all work out just fine.
My mum has always been amazing at stopping me from flapping and getting stressed about each of my kids developmental stages. When I was worried that my eldest wasn’t interested in even looking at a potty while all his friends were confidently ditching their nappies, she said:
‘Have you ever seen a child in school wearing nappies? No. So relax, it will happen’ – and it did.
She’s also always said ‘choose your battles’ and reserve the word ‘no’ for stuff that really matters or it just becomes ineffective. Wise words (must try harder on that one though).
My mum isn’t really the type to hand out advice, but the thing she instilled in me from an early age that I have tried to pass onto my children is to always be friendly and polite. I think this is so important – and when my toddler immediately responds ‘thank you very much’ when handed something, or cheerfully chirps ‘happy morning’ to tired-looking neighbours in the apartment lift in the morning, I know it’s been worth the effort of passing on these values. Even if he gets ignored by the tired-looking neighbours half the time!
The best advice I have gotten from my mother was to take each day as it comes. Schedules work sometimes, and other times they don’t and that is fine.
My mother’s always willing to give me a Filipino-style smackdown of wisdom. I’ll always remember when everything I had a tough time during my undergrad.
She told me, “You keep your head down, study as hard as you can and then get out of there. These people are only temporary, but your degree will take you places.”
Then that year, I graduated with a first and was the first person on my course to get a degree-relevant full time job right here at Sassy Mama Dubai. (Thank you – I love you, ma.)
Dr. Rania
“Enjoy every moment. When you’re over-tired, sleep-deprived, frustrated over the stain on the couch and the mess on the floor, remember that your children are growing up so fast, and before you know it, they’re not children anymore.”
I’ve recently potty-trained my youngest and moved him out of his cot into a big bed, and I’m beginning to see what she means.
The best piece of advice I received from my mother was to make sure I take mini-breaks in the daily routine whenever I can. When I say mini-breaks I really mean mini: The 10 minutes you find yourself alone with when showing up early to pick your child up from somewhere. Close your eyes or listen to a favourite song on your iPhone. Really simple and makes a difference to your stress levels.
“Practice what you preach.”
Those were her words, my take on it is to lead by example.
My mom is amazing… A real life super mom. Living up to the standard that she’s set is quite a task. She’s given me so much valuable advice over the years, but I think what stands out the most to me is my mom’s constant reminders to take time out each day for myself… Even if it is just putting my feet up for 20 minutes.
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