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A Few Of Dubai’s Christmas Letters To Santa

Family LifePost Category - Family LifeFamily Life

Sacks of letters from Dubai’s little boys and girls  have been arriving at the Babysouk HQ (where the soukettes, Santa’s Middle East representatives) have been busy sorting before ensuring they’re sent Express sleigh service to The North Pole (there’s still time  to get your letters to the big man and his team of elves, drop them to Babysouk or email Or put lists in an envelope addressed to Santa and leave overnight, whisking away when the smalls are snoring and leaving a little glitter trail in their place.)

Getting your little people to sit and write a list is a lovely mama/kiddo bonding exercise and a great way to fire up little imaginations (plus have a good giggle at some of their requests – who knew junior wanted a real troop of monkeys so badly?! ). Let them write/dictate the letter – there’s lots of fun to be had in the physical creation of their list so let them get on with it and encourage them to draw and decorate. Remember to set a limit on the amount of toys they can ask for or things could get out of hand!

Sassy Mama and the Soukettes have gathered a few letters for a glimpse at what the city’s little peeps are asking for this year mamas! Read our transcriptions (complete with original spelling where they’ve been all grown up and written themselves) below!

psst…create a little magic for the kiddos with a personalised Santa North Pole video at – guaranteed to make their eyes light up and your heart melt.


The Boy Who Wants Santa’s Diet Secrets
Dear Santa
Hi, Im Deaven I would like to know are you real I belive but my Friends dont so can you give me a signed picture of you and ms Claus or somthing else. Please Please send back a bell from your sled and your picture. Ohh besides are you relly fat!! or do you diet. Please anser all the reqests above.

Right me a letter back.

The Girl Who Loves Victoria Justice
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good girl and I want a Justice water bottle and a Justice book.
Love from Jessica

The Kid Who Knows Exactly What He Wants
Dear Santa,
Can you please get me a camera for Christmas, because I want one.
By Max

Thoughtful Mia is 5
I hope your reindeers have a good flight.
I really hope my cousins were on the good list.
I love you Santa.
Bye bye
I am 5
Mia xxxx

The Cheeky Mini Mama
Am I on the naughty list or the good list? I think I am on the good list. I would love for Christmas:

a) 2 seater pram – preferably one one up front and behind or side by side
b) Some new lego
c) Hangers for baby clothes
d) Small sink for bedtimes – baby bath
e) Liberty wants: a bedroom, layers, more party clothes
f) A baby wheelie bag
g) You choose my stocking stuff – ice skates for my stocking

I will be in England at my cousins’ home – don’t be shy. We will leave milk and cookies and I hope you have a good flight!

The Kid Who Has His Priorities Right
Dear Saint Nic,
Nic I’ve been trying hard to be good this year. I would like these things:

1) Bongo drums
2) Timehunters books
3) Jack Stewart books
4) A medium elephant teddy
5) Fart cushion and a fart shoes
6) Chocolate that never melts
7) Goalie gloves
8) Operation game
9) Calamari

Love Samuel xoxo
Age: 6

This Little Chap Is The Next Dr. Doolittle
Dear Father Christmas
Felix and Arthur have been good today so can you bring us presents.
Can I have
A toy crocodile
A alien like Bertie has
Some cookies
A milkshake
A bird in a cage who says tweet tweet
A trampoline
Toy camel
Toy lizard
Toy frog who says ribbit ribbit
A transformer who turns into a pterodactyl
A triceratops who turns into a transformer

Thank you very much and I love you so much and I love you reindeer.
My sister will have baby toys and a dolly.

Felix aged 4

The Tiny Eccentric
Hello Father Christmas
A crocodile
A horsey
A long long tree
A milkshake like my brother

Arthur aged 2

The Little Girl Who Wants To Be All Grown Up
Dear Santa
Please can you put the following items in my stocking.
Opal Plumstead (a book by JW
A crop top
A magnetic board
Tic tacks (spearmint)
cookery stuff please use  your magic to find out what I have already got
Thank you

Love Eleanor
Aged 9

Little Mr Oh-So-Polite!
My Christmas List
1. a BMX pleas
2. lots of lightsabers pleas
3. an I pad insted can I have an I pad but no presents pleas
4. Lego pleas
5. football stuff pleas

Love Douglas
Aged 6

The Little Girl Who Doesn’t Ask For Much
I am a big girl this year and I am good so Father Christmas is coming and I want to ask for a yo-yo

Amara, aged 3

A Cheeky Monkey
A family of monkeys including grandmother and grandfather

Adam, aged 4

Hope those have put a smile on your face (and a few ideas in your head) mama! Happy Holidays!

more sassy mama

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