Becoming a mama is one of life’s greatest gifts and to celebrate we’re running a feature each month dedicated to a Sassy Mama-to-be and her beautiful bump! This week we’re sitting down with Emma de Moll and chatting about her favourite pregnancy moments, weird cravings and how she stays healthy and happy for the whole 9 months.
Emma and her husband Garry are due their fourth child in September this year. Life is pretty hectic being Mum to Phoebe 8, Max 6 and little Edith 2, especially since she has her own business – The Sandal Souq (we are obsessed with these sandals – Ed Kaya and her daughter Violet have an adorable matching sparkling pair each!). Emma is a busy mama but she manages to balance everything and look totally calm, in control and beautiful while doing so. This is her bump story….
What was your reaction when you first found out you were pregnant?
Oh no, how am I going to tell my husband! My husband and I aren’t great planners and often make decisions off the cuff. I’m one of four siblings and my husband is an only child. I’d always wanted four, but my initial reaction when I first discovered I was pregnant with the forth was, “Oh my goodness, how am I going to cope?”
Any great books and resources that you turn to for baby preparation?
Not recently, but with my first child Phoebe, I really wanted to breast feed. I was recommended to buy a DVD from Amazon called Breast Feeding Without Tears. I found it super useful and I’d picked up little tips early on so didn’t encounter too many difficulties. Lots of my friends went on to borrow the DVD and also found it a godsend.
What was the easiest trimester and which one proved most difficult?
The easiest trimester is always the second. The first, I’m always exhausted and struggle to get through the day without a cheeky siesta, the third trimester which I’m currently in has been the hardest. Not only has it been terribly hot, but I’m feeling really unfit and fat. With my third daughter Edith, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 22 weeks.
I followed a really strict low GI diet, luckily I could control my blood sugar levels through diet and subsequently I didn’t gain even a kilo from 22 weeks until delivery. I was really worried about not gaining weight, but my doctor explained that if everyone was to follow a low GI diet then no one would put on any weight. I’m a bit gutted I don’t have gestational diabetes this time round as I have such a sweet tooth it, it would have done me a massive favour.
Do you follow a fitness programme while pregnant?
Not really as I don’t ever seem to have the time to fit any regular exercise in. Running around after the kids keeps me active. I am looking forward to some nice long walks when I’m back in the UK, I’ve just found it far too hot here.
Any fashion tips and tricks for maternity dressing?
When I’m pregnant, I always try to make sure my hair is nice. I’ve got small head so if I just scrape it back into a ponytail then I look like a tiny pin head on a big fat egg. This pregnancy, I had some dresses made, nice big roomy shift dresses that will fit me all the way through and after pregnancy.
What have you struggled with most since being pregnant?
Being tired, not drinking, just generally being slower than I usually I am.
What kind of delivery are you hoping for?
I’m hoping for a natural birth with no pain relief. I’ve only ever had gas and air and that was just once with my first, I’m not keen on pain relief as I don’t like the feeling of not being in control. The gas and air made me vomit and I felt totally spaced out. l couldn’t even open my eyes. I do swear by a Tens machine though, as I feel I have something to focus on whilst going through contractions.
I had a home birth with Max back in the UK and that was by far my nicest experience. It was so chilled and comforting to be in your own bed immediately afterwards with your new baby and a cup of tea and toast. That was baby number 2 though. I’m looking forward to my two days in City Hospital in my own private room, bonding with my new baby before coming back to the mad house.
Name a mama you find inspiring and why?
Victoria Beckham. Not because she’s super skinny and always looks amazing, but because she’s a working mum with four children whose kids are supposed to be the most down to earth, well behaved and polite children you could ever wish to meet.
What are your thoughts about finding out the sex in advance?
I have never found out the sex of any of the babies, I like the surprise and everyone guessing. Most people are saying another girl…. When I was pregnant with Phoebe over eight years ago, we did antenatal classes back in the UK. There were around ten couples and none of us knew the sex of our babies. I can totally see why people want to find out, but for me I’ve always liked the not knowing.
Did it take you some time getting pregnant or were you one of those mamas who got lucky on the first try?
I’ve always been lucky enough to fall quickly. My hubby is booked in for the snip back in the UK this summer though, definitely no baby number five.
What helped you get your groove back after being pregnant the first time?
Probably going back to work. It was such a culture shock after having my first that I couldn’t leave the house before lunchtime. Not because I was in bed all morning being lazy, but I just lacked any routine or schedule. After a year, I went back to my old banking job in London and that soon gave me the structure I had been missing.
Any local businesses that make your pregnancy journey easier?
Fabric and more for making my lovely dresses.
Did you or do you have any weird and wonderful cravings?
Yes, massively calorific iced frappucinos.
Where will you be having your baby and who is your OBGYN?
I’m delivering at City Hospital with the lovely Dr Elsa. She delivered my third Edith and was amazing.
Thanks to the amazing Steph from Nektar Photography for these beautiful pictures!