Happy Birthday Sassy Mama Dubai & Thank You To Everyone Who Has Got Us This Far
Just over 3 years ago, our Dubai co-founders (Editor Kaya and Sassy Media Group Founder Sofia) joined forces (in the Umm Suqeim Starbucks, amongst other cafés around Dubai) and Sassy Mama Dubai was born! Fuelled by A LOT of coffee and the product of many a sleepless night (hey, but what’s new there…), our mission was to work hard so that you don’t have to!
Three years on and we couldn’t be prouder of where we’ve come. With more than 60,000 unique visitors to the site every month plus more than 260,000 page views, a database of wonderful mamas who subscribe to our weekly newsletters plus more than 30,000 of you following us on Instagram and 25,000 on Facebook, we’re looking forward to an even sassier next 3 years! And none of it would be possible without you, our supporters and our inspiration and without a team of amazing women who help make it all happen.
We celebrated our anniversary and our team with a photo shoot that involved six mamas and 13 kiddos – and yes it was chaotic and crazy and colourful! Here’s a little glimpse of how it went down….
Need a little reminder of our Sassy Mama Dubai mantra? Here you go, mamas. And here’s to a fabulous future together…
We scour, sweat, drag strollers through the sand and brave the queues on SZR, just to bring you the latest news on what’s hot (literally!) in the world of parenting in Dubai.
We’re for breastfeeding AND bottle-feeding – actually, we’re for doing what we feel is best for our families while supporting you clever mamas to choose differently for yours. We’re for doing our research and knowing our options.
We’re for home cooking and dining out – at cafes or Michelin-starred restos. We’re for foot massages, date nights, donning our highest heels and feeling fabulous. We’re for glasses of wine and laughing over mama-fails with friends… then we’re for big cups of coffee the next morning!
We’re for singing silly songs and dancing around the room – even when we’re tired – because romping with the kiddos is life-affirming, and we’re definitely for counting this as cardio!
We’re for “good enough” rather than “perfect”. We’re for being truthful about motherhood – even the not-so-wonderful parts. We’re against mama guilt and for working with what you’ve got, not what you wish you had.
We’re for fresh air, getting dirty and working up a sweat. We’re for adventures, expeditions, and family trips to museums and performances. We’re AGAINST boredom… who has time to be bored, mama? We’re too busy!
And we’re for getting up early tomorrow and doing it ALL over again…!