Time for that quick fix, mama!
Feeling sluggish, low on energy, demotivated? Even your beloved coffee isn’t giving you that desperately needed boost to get you through the day? Detoxing may sound complicated, something that requires radical changes in one lifestyle and therefore off-putting for plenty of people. There are simple ways to get yourself back on track that you can incorporate into your daily routine that naturally detox your body and get you feeling rejuvenated and loving life again. We’ve got 5 easy and natural ways to detox:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
The anti-bacterial properties of organic apple cider vinegar help to gently clean out the stomach and gut, whilst also boosting your metabolism, and releasing water retention that will shed off some inches in the process. Place two tablespoons in warm water and drink on empty stomach every morning.
2. Meditation Mama
The mind and body are very much interconnected so when the mind is full of toxic thoughts and emotion, it has a direct impact the body such as illness, disorder and even depression and weight gain. Taking a few minutes each day to meditate keeps the mind in balance – and thoughts positive for a healthy, happy you!
3. Fasting Fix
More and more medical research is confirming the incredible benefits that fasting has on the body. Fasting allows the body to rest and purge out any impurities that has built up over time, mentally, emotionally and even physically.
4. Drink Your Greens
Wheatgrass and Spirulina are available in powder and supplement form that you can easily add into your smoothie or fresh juices every day. They both have incredible amounts of protein, have anti-aging effects, remove toxins from the liver and balance out unhealthy bacteria inside the body – gently detoxing in the process.
5. Sweat It Out
A great workout, whether it’s round of yoga or a session at the gym, that gives you a really good sweat is the perfect way of letting go of toxins out the body. Regular visits to a hot steamy sauna work in a similar way, so go ahead and get sweaty!
A happy and healthy mama is good news for the whole fam!