What’s In A Name?
Naming your newborn can be all kinds of tricky – but if you want something that’ll remind you of where your precious bundle was born then why not go for a gorgeous Arabic name with a beautiful meaning that’ll instantly transport you to our desert city – no matter where you are?
For Girls:
Leilah (pronounced Lay-la)
Hailing from the Arabic leila that means ‘dark beauty’, we just love this name (especially for those cute little dark haired girlies). Oh and how adorable is ‘La-La’ as a nickname!?
Yup just like one of our fave stores only this name actually comes from the Arabic zahra meaning ‘flower’. Short, sweet and strong plus easy to spell – it’s a winner.
Jamila (pronounced Ja-Mil-A)
This exotic sounding name derives from the Arabic jamil, meaning ‘graceful’ – the perfect feminine quality. Shorten to ‘Mila’ as a nickname – gorgeous.
Omaira (pronounced Oh-My-Ra)
A gutsy name for gutsy girls! Meaning ‘red’ in Arabic, Omaira is strong, powerful and awesome. We see it shortened to ‘Maira’ (pronounced My-Ra) or ‘Mai’ (My) as a cute little nickname. And of course perfect for red-heads!
A variation of the Arabic ‘Noor’ and meaning ‘full of light’ – this pretty little name evokes the magic of the desert.
For Boys:
Idris (rhymes with Kid-Rees)
Actually a Welsh name, Idris also exists in Arabic and means ‘to learn or study’ (we’re all for inspiring our littles in any way possible!). A gorgeous name that just happens to belong to one super hot actor (yup, we’re talking Idris Elba). But of course that’s not why we’ve picked this one out…
Short and cool – the perfect name for a cheeky chappy! Derived from Arabic for ‘The hand’, if you’re a West Wing fan then you’ll have heard it there too.
Sami (pronounced Sa-Mee)
One of our faves, the name Sami means ‘elevated’ in Arabic (this boy’s destined for great things!). Can be shortened to ‘Sam’ – and all the Sams we know are really nice. Just sayin’.
Xavier (pronounced Zay-Vee-Er)
First up – how cool is it to have a name beginning with an X!? Originally a Basque or Arabic name and meaning ‘new house or bright’, this one’s popular with celebs including Tilda Swinton and Donnie Wahlberg.
Meaning ‘victory’ or ‘triumph’ this is a strong name for your little boy. Perfect.