16 May‘18 - 18 Jun‘18

Magical Wishing Well at Dubai Festival City Mall

Post Category - Fun + Games , Shopping + DiningFun + Games , Shopping + Dining

Looking for a different way to share messages this Ramadan, mamas? Then to Dubai Festival City Mall as they are providing shoppers with a unique way to share messages with loved ones around the world with a ‘Wishing Well’ in the heart of Festival Square.

All you need to do is register a greeting at one of the Disney pods located throughout the mall, then head to Festival Square to see the words creatively brought to life with lights and music in the Disney Wishing Well. And what’s better every wish you make will make a difference to those in need, with AED1 donated to the Al Jalila Foundation for every greeting shared. Hooray – to more wishes!

Mall timings:
Sat-Wed: 10am-midnight
Thurs-Fri: 10am-1am

Event Price

Event Location

Dubai Festival City Mall