The Very Sassy Baroness Mone
When we heard that Baroness Michelle Mone of Mayfair, OBE was in town to speak at the National Achievers Congress, our MD Claire couldn’t resist meeting her for a quick chat! This Sassy Mama is one inspirational lady – a global entrepreneur (best known for her lingerie brand Ultimo), mum of three, and one of the world’s most in-demand public speakers… the list goes on! So, what advice and fun facts about herself did she offer her fellow Sassy Mamas? Read on to find out!
You are one Sassy Mama! How do you find time for work, fitness and family life?
Always prioritise looking after yourself, and take one hour a day to do something just for you – if you’re fit and healthy both mentally and physically, you’ll be fit for anything, and able to manage your time better. Organisation is key too – if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
You are here in Dubai for the National Achievers Congress – what inspires you to continually push yourself and be successful, even during tough times?
Everyone goes through tough times. When the going gets tough for me, I hold on tighter and push myself more. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I always remember that no matter how tough things are, there’s always someone going through something tougher.
For all our Sassy Mamas juggling working life and children, or mamas that would love to get back into work, what would be your words of wisdom?
Find your niche, follow your passion, and never give up. Get out and network, and actively look for opportunities… and always remember to take that hour a day for yourself.
What can we expect to see from you in 2017?
2017 is shaping up to be a great year! My odourless fake tan product, UTan And Tone, looks set to go from strength to strength, and I will also continue to focus on property development, my jewellery range called Diamonique, and my commitments at Downing Street.
What three items would you take to a desert island if you were there with your children?
Monopoly, a speaker to play music, and the ingredients to make a great mocktail. My children and I love a good board game, and my son can make a mean mocktail! I’d need music too, as I find it inspirational. I like anything from pop to Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli.
If you had 3 wishes what what they be?
- World peace
- No one would go to bed hungry
- A cure for cancer.
A big thanks to Baroness Mone for making a little bit of time for Sassy Mama during her trip to Dubai!