Raising Tech-Savvy Kids With These Brilliant Apps & More
We live in a world dominated by tech – and when everything from your phone to your fridge (and don’t even get me started on the TV!) is smarter than you, it’s time to jump on (key)board. Because while us mamas can probably just about get away with not knowing how to do much more than internet shopping*, it’s not the same for our kiddos. Coding and computers are going to be a part of their daily life in ways we can’t even imagine (driverless cars and computer co-workers anyone?) So how can a parent who can barely turn on a computer without hollering for her husband (cringe) help make sure her little ones are speaking the language of the future? I asked the expert (yes mamas, that would be my daughter’s IT teacher!) and this is what he said…
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- Kodable – is a FREE downloadable app that you can download on any iPad or tablet. Set in outer space, kodable helps kids as young as three or four learn to think in sequencing, which my IT insider informs me is the best way to get little ones engaged. I tried it on my four yo and she loved the games, characters – and the iPad access. On a personal level, the sounds of the game made a nice break from the dulcet tones of Peppa Pig.
- Apple – another cost-effective way to crack coding, the Apple store offers free coding for kids at the Mall of the Emirates. Probably better for older kids – a friend of mine’s seven yo was all over this! the hour long sessions are designed to inspire kids to explore the basics of coding and robotics. For mamas in the know, they’re also offering 3-day summer camps for 8-12 year olds.
- Bee-bot – Mr IT’s final tip was to invest in a ‘Bee-bot’ – a cute robotic bumblebee that kids can programme to make basic forward, backwards, left or right movements. Since we got our Bee-bot, it’s kept both my Mr Me and my mini-me busy for hours. They’ve drawn maps and designed entire obstacle courses for the bee-bot to whizz around, leaving me time to get back to the important things in life. Like internet shopping. It’s technology, right?
Read more: Star Wars Paper Plate Mask Activity + FREE Star Wars Arts & Crafts Printable
* if you’re a computer whizzkid, I applaud you – also please can you come over and teach me the basics so my fridge doesn’t have to do my thinking for me anymore…
Hero image sourced via Chid Safety Nets.