Mama, YOU are the key to your child’s happiness and success
Mums are possibly the most resourceful people I know.
Because nothing makes you more determined, more resilient and more capable than surviving pregnancy, birth and those oh so torturous sleepless nights. Beyond that, we’re tested every single day in various other ways. By illogical toddlers who want to do stuff like wear their wellies inside, but not out. Naturally. By pre-schoolers who are adamant about wearing hot pants even though there’s a frost outside. By older children who think they know way more than you even though they’ve been on the planet for seven short years.
Mums negotiate all of this with patience (and gin).
And I am inspired by all of you mums. Mums who were once their own women. Women who have since quietly fought to retain a sense of self, even though some days it’s hard to remember your name, let alone who you actually are. Whilst the rest of the world might not always appreciate it, in our circle of mums, we know that none of this has come without sacrifice. We might have ditched salaries in favour of rice cakes and that elusive work/life balance. We might have built little empires whilst putting on the washing. We’ve very likely given up our bodies and our minds. But we’re doing whatever it takes to raise our kids. (And some days, it takes a lot.)
Read more: When Did I Let It All Go?, The Mother I Thought I’d Be, 10 Promises From A Mum To A Son
The rest of the world isn’t far behind in this knowledge. P&G made mums the centre of their London 2012 Olympic Games ‘Proud sponsor of mums‘ campaign. And who didn’t cry at those ‘Thank you Mum‘ athlete videos?
This message, that behind every child is an amazing mum, is an important one. Because it is easy to forget your own self-worth and value when you’re a mum putting her heart and soul into her children and often struggling to get through the day. When you’re having a tough time with your kids and worrying it’s all your fault, because mostly you haven’t a clue what you’re doing. When you’re a mum lying awake worrying about her own mortality.
And it’s so easy to think that you’ve lost yourself. That your identity’s been compromised. There isn’t a mum in the land who hasn’t felt this. But, actually? These small people in your care, who have your genes, your eyes or your sense of humour, mean there is more of you around than ever.
And although, right now, we might not hear it as much as we’d like, one day they too will be saying, ‘Thank you Mum.’
And appreciating that behind their memories, their happiness and their success, is YOU.