What does a bunny need to hold all its chocolate eggs, mama? Follow these simple steps to make a cute bunny bag for Easter!
Little Miss Bunny,
Goes hop, hop, hop.
Her big white ears,
Go flop, flop, flop.
Holding some eggs,
They go plop, plop, plop.
Oopsy daisy! A bag is just what I need!
Materials you need to make this adorable bunny bag: Calico, lining (fabric of your choice), embroidery threads, mini pom-pom and black eye buttons. Follow the step-by step instructions below. Let’s start!
1. Use a ruler and a fabric marker (or a pencil) to mark the measurement, 50cm x 22cm, on the wrong side of the calico and lining. Cut the fabric according to size. Repeat the same for the bunny ears measuring 40cm x 7cm, with one end tapered. Total two pieces for the main body and four pieces for a pair of bunny ears.
2. Fold the calico in half lengthwise on the wrong side. Sew both ends with 1cm allowance.
3. Sew the two corners at the bottom of the bag, measuring 2.5cm across from the corner on each side. Flip the right side out.
4. At this stage, you can do embroidery on the front of the bag. Add the black eye buttons as the eyes and a pink pom pom as the nose. You can personalise the bag by stitching the name of your child. Another variation you can try is to cut out the shape of a bunny from your favourite fabric and sew it onto the front of the bag.
5. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the lining.
6. For bunny ears, sew calico and lining on the wrong side with 1 cm allowance. After that, trim the excess to 0.5cm. Snip a little at the top. Turn the fabric out to the right side and iron flat.
7. Put the lining in the bag, wrong sides facing each other. Fold in 2.5cm from the top of both fabric. Iron flat.
8. Sandwich the bunny ears in between the bag and the lining at both sides of the bag.
9. Sew around the top of the bag, as close to the edge as possible. Sew another round, about 1 cm from the edge for a stronger finish.
10. Take the two bunny ears and tie a knot. That’s it! You’re done!
Now let’s hunt for some chocolate eggs in the garden! Hop, hop, hop you go mama with your little bunnies! Happy Easter!