You don’t have to be a tiger mum to help get your kiddos keen on homework
Any parent understands that one of the most trying times in the house is homework time. Usually marked by sulking, excuses and all manner of tantrum throwing because clearly, most kids don’t appreciate the whole idea of studying outside of school. But if you’re proactive and take a few steps to help impose healthy homework habits at home, you’ll be able to wave bye-bye to (some of) those battles, mamas – hooray!
Proper measures should be taken to ensure your little ones enjoy their study time and that they don’t think of it as another moment to be detached from the good things happening in your house. We’ll look at six easy measures to take in order to help your kids handle their homework time efficiently.
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Creating a homework schedule is the most fundamental method of getting your kids and teens focus on their homework. A schedule will enable them to play along in that as it approaches the time that their homework or study time begins, they will already have tuned their minds to it and this will improve their focus and concentration. A typical homework schedule should be printed in a large wall calendar and hanged at strategic points so your kids can track all their assignment due dates and approaching tests.
Perhaps one way to make it work is ensure the schedule has breaks in between so your kid can freshen up and be back for their next session. Also, ensure you are always there to assist them whenever necessary.
This may sound pretty obvious but it goes a long way in improving your kids’ level of concentration. A typical modern-day teen would find it difficult to concentrate when a show such as America Got Talent is going on in the background, neither will your little kids enjoy their study time with their favorite cartoon program screening on TV.
Switch off the television, the radio, video game and anything that will impede their concentration while studying or doing their homework.
Another tip that will greatly help your kids and teens improve their studying habits is to have a place set aside for their homework. Ideally, this would be a place that is tucked away from the busiest sections of the house as maximum concentration will be required.
Another great reason for having a specific homework room is so that you can stock it with the necessary stationery and the entire homework itinerary you kids will require each time. This way, minimal time will be wasted walking up and down looking for a pencil that they probably threw under their bed.
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Timers are a great way of inculcating a sense of time and order in your kids and a homework timer should serve just that purpose. A homework timer can serve two purposes; it could be used to remind your kids of their study time o it may also be used to dictate when a particular subject starts and ends and when breaks should be taken – just like the normal school bell.
When choosing a timer, you need to take into account you kids preferences and possibly challenges. A kid that finds the slightest noise disturbing could do better with a ticking timer. Even better, you could take advantage of numerous homework time apps and program it for each subject.
Hiring a tutor will go a long way in boosting your kids’ study habits. A math tutor, for example will help them understand some of the complex mathematical formula they may have missed in school and help keep them in tack with the syllabus.
When hiring such a tutor, be sure to find someone with an easygoing personality, and one who is likeable enough so you kids can share with them all their homework challenges feely.
When all is said and done, it is your sole duty as a parent to ensure you monitor the progress of your kids and teens. You should take a personal initiative to remind you kids of their study time and endeavor to create a serene environment when such time comes.
Also, you need to replenish all their school supplies so they never run into challenges as they study. Have a look at their notes and if possible, test them and have a reward system where any kid that attains a particular pass mark is feted.
We hope the above tips should enable you see your kids through their homework and study time. While it will be difficult when you’re starting, you should get it right in a few days if you continually practice. Good luck!
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